Dr. Hoooo?
Jaden Toussaint (who hates to read) LOVES his big sister's Dr. Hoooo? comic books. My kids and I are huge Dr. Who fans, but even if you're not we think you'll still get a kick out of some of JT's favorite Dr. Hoooo? characters. You'll see more of them in Episode 2 of Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest, but here's a sneak peak.

Dr. Hoooo?
Time traveling burrowing owl on a mission to save the universe and have fun doing it.
Archenemy: The Ladeks

T.R.E.E. (TM)
Time's Relative Elasticity Exploiter (Time Machine)
Key Trait: It's bigger on the inside.

A robot cat principally made of iron (obviously) who is Dr. Hoooo’s side kick and computational device/wifi hotspot.
Claim to fame: Maintaining signal strength in alternate dimension.