I don't mean to BRAG...
That was cheesy. Sorry. But I couldn't resist the title after finding out that Jala and the Wolves was selected by indieBRAG as a B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree! The BRAG in indieBRAG stands for Book Readers Appreciation Group, and the mission of this group of readers is to discover "new and talented" indie authors and "help them give their work the attention and recognition it deserves."
Getting a thumbs up from a group of readers is more than enough to make my week, so thank you to the readers over at indieBRAG for the vote of confidence and the shiny gold sticker for the cover of Jala and the Wolves. It looks pretty cool there.
Check it out at: http://www.bragmedallion.com/
And on Amazon at: http://amzn.to/1iyRlCs